Archive for November, 2009
Shanghai, first day
Yesterday, me and my sister took a long walk in the streets of Shanghai. Very warm weather. Pour nous reposer les pieds _ nous sommes allez au MOCA SHANGHAI. We had the chance to see the exhibit THE FIFTH DIMENSION, art of fiber and space. We found very interesting new chinese contemporary artists. I took abstracts pictures from their works.
I am in the technical preparation for my Asia Tour. I will leave thursday at 3am. ouf ! Â _ Â I am very excited about presenting INJECT in Asia _ After the warm reception I received in South America, I’m very curious about the Asian audience.
By the Way _ !  The National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts ask to me to prepare une version censurée de INJECT _ because it will be presented outside of the museum. So I tried to replace some explicit scenes. _ I will try keeping the spirit of the performance.