Archive for the ‘ALL’ Category

LONDON //// MAY 18

May 22nd, 2014

Carmen and Estella from Alpha_Ville invite me at the great KING PLACES THEATER to perform DUST and INJECT. After the performances, I have a pleasure to have a talk with the audience. London is so a beautiful city. This time, I don’t know why, but I felt in love with this city, probably because, beside my own excursions, Carmen make me discover some districts I never went before. You will find beautiful pictures I take from an photography exhibition. What I like is the window reflections on the close-up faces. I don’t remember the name of this photographer, but if I find it, I will update the blog. There is some pictures that Justina Suminaite made of me for the magazine Rooms.

Different Trains @Laboral/Spain

May 7th, 2014

Beside Train Fragments who is played with a percussion group and the music score was created by me, I still present Different Trains who the music score is from Steve Reich. Different Trains is played with a string Quartet.

Con Different Trains, Herman Kolgen nos presenta una versión AV inspirada en una pieza sonora de Steve Reich. Different Trains fue compuesta en 1988 para un cuarteto de cuerda con cassettes magnéticas. En L.E.V. 2014, un cuarteto de cuerda interpretará junto a Herman Kolgen una perfecta simbiosis de sonido e imagen.

SEISMIK beta version

May 7th, 2014

 After working intensively for 3 months on Seismik, I presented a premiere version [ SEISMIK_BETA ] at the L.E.V. festival / Laboral.

LABORATORIO DE ELECTRONICA VISUAL is the International Festival of Audiovisual Creation of Gijón. The festival celebrated the eight edition on May 2nd and 3rd with outstanding international artists You can wath an extract on vimeo _ _

The audience was so excited and demonstrative. After this 3 months working 7 days a week, It was incredible for me and fill me lot of energy that I needed to continu to work on this piece.


April 11th, 2014

I was please to present Train Fragments with KAREN WILLEMS and BL!NDMAN. They are very talented. We received a warm reception by the Brugges audience. April 17th at the Concertgebouw Brugge / More Music Festival.

Eotone – Wind Territory

March 6th, 2014

For the last 2 years, I worked with David Letellier on a large scale project. Eotone. We reflect on distance and weather, by staging something intangible yet powerful: the wind. Four sound and sculptural diffusers, containing elements of both the weather vane and the fog horn, make up this monumental installation that renders in movement and sound the direction and force of the wind blowing simultaneously on two continents. The wind data recorded in each city is transmitted live to the diffusers, controlling the orientation of each of the structures and orchestrating the combined chords that make up the harmonic whole perceived at the heart of the installation. By transforming weather data into sound, EOTONE offers a subtle artistic vision of the Internet of objects.

In the time that we work on all web/audio/geocontrol applications, IUT from Nantes build these diffusers.


February 10th, 2014

I have 2 months to work and be very focus on my new project SEISMIK. I have to present a beta version at the LEV festival / spain in next may. And a v.01 at Mutek/Elektra/EM15 in montreal in june. For this project I wanted to use, at different levels, the seismic data informations for creating audio and visuals. In my past researches I found lots of seismograph graphic representations, field drums, geodetic analysis, topology maps, etc … I worked with my friend Lucas to develop a vertical sediment scanner to analyse these graphs and convert it to audio and to visual datas. Beside this manner to interpret the stratigraphy information, we develop another OpenFrameWork application that are able to connect in real time to the seismic datas everywhere on the earth.

Inject _ audience in Water

January 30th, 2014

Inject at the Judaïque pool in Bordeaux. 2 performances sold-out.

Seismik Activity

December 15th, 2013

Back to Montreal, I continu to develop Seismik.


November 29th, 2013

I just meet last month my new girlfriend Valérie. She’s living in Quebec for 20 years now. But she was born in Bordeaux. I’m so exciting to walk the same streets where she was 18.

Charles Guivarc, Opera de Bordeaux director, invite me to the premiere of Othello at the Grand Théâtre. First time for me that I experiment an Opera. I think it’s not the best one … little bit to dusty for me.
And finally I took time to visit the Judaïque Pool with Catherine and the technical staff to fix some issues for my next performance in Bordeaux. I will present Inject with the audience in the water in next January.

3 installations

November 23rd, 2013

J’ai présenté au Cercle à Québec 3 installations de ma série Dust Accumulations.
1. Dust 3/Axis
2. Dust_Surface
3. Dust_Collector

Dust 3/axis est une installation multi canaux.
3 projecteurs + 2 audio fields

Dust_Surface est une installation multi canaux.
5 LCD screens + 2 audio fields

est un meuble à tiroirs / collection de poussière
art objet signé