Archive for the ‘ALL’ Category


December 15th, 2011

Magali Babin et moi avons amorcés en 2010, une série d’improvisations sur une batterie décomposée en ses composantes brutes. Inspirés par le résultat, la peau, le bois et le métal sont devenus les matériaux qui ont initiés la création de notre nouvelle installation sonore. Nous serons en résidence à Québec chez Méduse en janvier prochain. Et, au final, nous présenterons cette installation au Mois-Multi, toujours à Méduse du 16 au 29 février. En guise de lancement, nous performerons avec ces dispositifs sonores le 16 février.

Le tamtam étant historiquement un moyen de communication pour les peuplades anciennes, il était tout à fait approprié que cette installation s’imprègne fortement de la notion de communication et de territoire. Les trois dispositifs FLESH, WOOD et METAL s’activeront selon les mouvances de la topologie, des turbulences marines et du bruit ambiant de la ville de Québec.

Voici quelques photos des préparatifs à Montréal avec Magali, Simon et moi … David étant caché derrière un la colonne.


December 8th, 2011

Back from Chicago and Casablanca, I started to work on the new version of Overlapp. OVERLAPP It’s a short piece of 6 minutes lenght. Kind A ZOOM-IN BETWEEN Train Fragments AND DUST, when I present, like in Taipei in january, the tryptic TRAIN FRAGMENTS+OVERLAPP+DUST. IT’S AN URBAN IMPRESSIONISTIC VISION FOCUSING ON MICROSCOPIC PARTICULES.
I share with you some picts from my screen during the creation process.


November 6th, 2011

No pictures from the FAN festival in Casablanca, but there is a quick selection from the city. I know, it’s not the Casablanca expected. But to be honnest, I was in Morroco twenty years ago, and I found Casablanca very changed. And not in a good way. Buildings and City are very not in a good conditions. Sidewalks are dangerous, and people and traffic seem more and more nervous.

Les Abattoirs : Toulouse

October 23rd, 2011

Very great evening, the crowd was energical and very demonstrative. A real latino feel’s. I very appreciated my days in this city, one of my favorites in France. Like an extra for this very expressive audience … I play Inject after Dust, It was not in the program, but the energic spirit bring spontaneously Inject in my laptop.

Cirkus in Slovenia

October 18th, 2011

I found a old circus in Slovenia. Camels, horses, cracheur de feu. Very old fashion circus in the middle of the city.


October 16th, 2011

Some picts from Mirabor, perfos, interview and talk


October 15th, 2011

It’s the first time for me, traveling in Slovenia. I was a real pleasure to meet so kindly and smooth people there. Ljubjana is a very beautifull city in many aspects. The first venue for my concert was KinoSiska, a found a surprising well technically equipments there. The technical crew was also top quality, very aware about subtle detail in image and sound. And the crowd was intensively warm. There is some pictures from Ljubjana and Mirabor perfos and random blablabla.

Train Fragments in Paris

October 10th, 2011

I am now in Slovenia for a couple of performances. Didn,t have time to update this blog about the premiere of Train Fragments in Paris last week. It was a real challenge to present this new project with the Ensemble Intercontemporain, yep _ the Boulez Ensemble. With only 3 repetitions, I think we present a real intense performance. The Ensemble improvise with my graphic score over a basic soundtrack that I already create in Montreal. We presented this night 2 representations. Thank’s to all the musicians, who played with brio… and Gilles Alvarez who convinced me to create this piece.

Last day in Rio

September 12th, 2011

Snif, Last days in Rio. Meeting Cyril with friends in a sympathic parc. I found a little orchestra, like Bresilian Woody Allen style. Very good musicians with enthousiasm neighbor audience. A real family sunday in Rio. After we took a boat to visit the Niteroi Museu near the sea. The architecture from Neimeyer remember me old Science-Fiction movies from 1950-1960. All the base in floating on a artificial water surface. Inside, like the Gugenheim museum in New York, everything is like a snail. On the bad side, I was not impress by the exhibitions and I found sadly that the inside museum was not in a good looking shape. Oups, I forgot … also we took a walk at night in the Lapa, the hot Rio district.

Marche au puces

September 11th, 2011

We found by hasard a Flea market near the Centro. Lots of really old and beautifull objects.