Hier, jeudi _ nous avons visité the ART RIO, Feira internacional de arte contemporaneo de Rio. At the north of the city, Pier Maua. These images are not from the Feira, but taking on the road before arriving at the puerto.
Archive for the ‘ALL’ Category
Dust in Rio de Janeiro
First time for me in Rio, I found this city very different than Sao Paulo. The rhythm, the air, the people … maybe it’s the way that the sea and mountains are so close. I feel very well here, it will re-energy my health. There is some pictures of Dust and Inject performances and the talk I made with Cornelia Lund from Germany. I have to say that the audience at IO-futuro / LiveCinema was very very warm and expressive. Thank’s to Danila and Eva for some of these fotos
New Work
I was able in the past weeks to start working on my computer. That was great because I have to create a new piece before leaving for Brazilia. This new piece is inspired by Different Trains, the one I presented with the Symphonic Orchestra in rennes and in Quebec. Now It will be in Paris in october with the Ensemble Intercontemporain, the orchestra of Pierre Boulez. They ask me to create a piece with an audio track that they will be able to improvise over the track. It’s very bold for them. They will use the big screen with my video image behind them like a graphical score. I’m really intrigued to see and hear what they will do. It will be presented during NÉMO — SPÉCIAL QUÉBEC NUMÉRIQUE _ DU 6 AU 9 OCTOBRE 2011 À LA GAÃŽTÉ LYRIQUE ET AU CENTQUATRE.
Hier soir, était la première soirée d’un série de 4 performances intimes à l’atelier de Cécile Côté ( mai ). Après ma performance Orla Wren a magnifiquement poursuivi avec une musique sensible et remplie de subtilité. Une belle soirée dans un cadre inspirant et qui se poursuivra pour les 3 prochains soirs. En prime Olivier Girouard et Urban 9 étaient au presses afin d’imprimer des cartes postales pour le public. Quelques photos de la préparation et de la soirée. Merci à Cécile de nous permettre d’utiliser son espace.
Train track Squat
For the Ekumen, musique d’impressions. Olivier, Rasmus and Marie-Ève working to install illegally a contact microphone on the railroad track. This contact-mic was connected to a old McIntosh Amp+speaker during the next 4 days performances. Kind of audio Train Witness during the whole 4 night performances.
In MEXICO_ the Dust secret mixture
During may and June I have the pleasure to present at the Fonoteca National my Installation Stochastic Process. This installation is one of the series DUST ACCUMULATIONS, inspired by my performance DUST. For this installation, all the immersive room floor is covered by dust. A special particule preparation that we found in the centro Historico of Mexico.