Nicole Gingras, curator, present some great sound artists from Quebec at the Knockdown Center in Brooklyn. I made the opening performance with Nicolas Bernier. Installations :::: > Catherine BÉCHARD et Sabin HUDON, Martine H. CRISPO, Manon LABRECQUE, Loraine OADES, François QUÉVILLON et [THE USER].
Archive for the ‘DUST’ Category
3 installations
J’ai présenté au Cercle à Québec 3 installations de ma série Dust Accumulations.
1. Dust 3/Axis
2. Dust_Surface
3. Dust_Collector
Dust 3/axis est une installation multi canaux.
3 projecteurs + 2 audio fields
Dust_Surface est une installation multi canaux.
5 LCD screens + 2 audio fields
est un meuble à tiroirs / collection de poussière
art objet signé
Seoul-Dust Installation+performance
Just come back from Seoul. I presented one installation “DUST RESTRICTION” and the performance DUST. The thema of the exhibition was CATASTROPHOLOGY and it was curated by Seon Ryeong Cho. I had a great time there with all the ARKO centre staff and my friend Jia.
Les Abattoirs : Toulouse
Very great evening, the crowd was energical and very demonstrative. A real latino feel’s. I very appreciated my days in this city, one of my favorites in France. Like an extra for this very expressive audience … I play Inject after Dust, It was not in the program, but the energic spirit bring spontaneously Inject in my laptop.
It’s the first time for me, traveling in Slovenia. I was a real pleasure to meet so kindly and smooth people there. Ljubjana is a very beautifull city in many aspects. The first venue for my concert was KinoSiska, a found a surprising well technically equipments there. The technical crew was also top quality, very aware about subtle detail in image and sound. And the crowd was intensively warm. There is some pictures from Ljubjana and Mirabor perfos and random blablabla.
Dust in Rio de Janeiro
First time for me in Rio, I found this city very different than Sao Paulo. The rhythm, the air, the people … maybe it’s the way that the sea and mountains are so close. I feel very well here, it will re-energy my health. There is some pictures of Dust and Inject performances and the talk I made with Cornelia Lund from Germany. I have to say that the audience at IO-futuro / LiveCinema was very very warm and expressive. Thank’s to Danila and Eva for some of these fotos