30 minutes avant le début de ma perfo au Musée National de Taiwan_un problème majeur d’alimentation électrique a complètement bousillé un de mes MacBookPro. Rendant impossible de débuter la performance. Grâce au secours d’un des wiz assis dans l’audience :::::: [ qui a bien voulu me prêter son Mac ] , j’ai pu après 90 minutes de retard présenter enfin INJECT. Le public a été d’une patience remarquable _ il faisait froid _ et ils ont attendu assis dans le gazon.
Archive for the ‘INJECT’ Category
Taipei Inject Perfo
Just before leaving for Taichung, I want to share some picts of some Taipei friends from the organisation at the university. Yesterday, it was sold out for Inject perfo, sorry for the 100 people that can’t enter in the room… maybe they can see it in Taichung.
I am in the technical preparation for my Asia Tour. I will leave thursday at 3am. ouf ! Â _ Â I am very excited about presenting INJECT in Asia _ After the warm reception I received in South America, I’m very curious about the Asian audience.
By the Way _ !  The National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts ask to me to prepare une version censurée de INJECT _ because it will be presented outside of the museum. So I tried to replace some explicit scenes. _ I will try keeping the spirit of the performance.
Good to be in this beautifull city _ the most european city in south america. wow !!! I spend so good and warm time with Pablo, Carla and Guillermina.There is some picts of the performance and workshop I made there. I would like to thank’s all the people at the workshop, it will be a 4 hours non stop of good questions and discussions.
Between october to december 2008, I work on developping the shooting of my next performance project : INJECT. All the concept is about water and oxygen. The good think is that I finally found a friend of me ( idea came from sophie ) that want to participate and accept to be in a water cistern for 7 days.