Archive for the ‘TRAVELS’ Category


November 6th, 2011

No pictures from the FAN festival in Casablanca, but there is a quick selection from the city. I know, it’s not the Casablanca expected. But to be honnest, I was in Morroco twenty years ago, and I found Casablanca very changed. And not in a good way. Buildings and City are very not in a good conditions. Sidewalks are dangerous, and people and traffic seem more and more nervous.

Cirkus in Slovenia

October 18th, 2011

I found a old circus in Slovenia. Camels, horses, cracheur de feu. Very old fashion circus in the middle of the city.

Last day in Rio

September 12th, 2011

Snif, Last days in Rio. Meeting Cyril with friends in a sympathic parc. I found a little orchestra, like Bresilian Woody Allen style. Very good musicians with enthousiasm neighbor audience. A real family sunday in Rio. After we took a boat to visit the Niteroi Museu near the sea. The architecture from Neimeyer remember me old Science-Fiction movies from 1950-1960. All the base in floating on a artificial water surface. Inside, like the Gugenheim museum in New York, everything is like a snail. On the bad side, I was not impress by the exhibitions and I found sadly that the inside museum was not in a good looking shape. Oups, I forgot … also we took a walk at night in the Lapa, the hot Rio district.

Marche au puces

September 11th, 2011

We found by hasard a Flea market near the Centro. Lots of really old and beautifull objects.

Art Rio

September 9th, 2011

Hier, jeudi _ nous avons visité the ART RIO, Feira internacional de arte contemporaneo de Rio. At the north of the city, Pier Maua. These images are not from the Feira, but taking on the road before arriving at the puerto.

Rio in the Sky

September 8th, 2011

We spent 1 day in the Urca district, visiting the Sugar Loft montain by teleferico, a amasing view on Atlantic sea. Continuing this crasy trip, we decide to take a Helicopter to have a bird view on tSanta Teresa, Lapa,the montain and the magistral Cristo Redentor. Ouf ! Splendide journée.


June 12th, 2011

Performance Inject au Grand Théâtre de St-Brieuc / au nord de la France. Sympathique ville de la Bretagne au bord de la mer. Dans 2 jours, ce sera DUST, mais dans le petit théâtre pour 300 personnes.


May 16th, 2011

Just before performing in Gijon in Spain, I took some days in Barcelona during the Eastern time.

Direction : America !

Retour de Hollande

December 5th, 2010

Quelques images lors de mon séjour en Hollande pour le festival STRP art and technolgy.

First Phillips little factory in Netherland, now converted in a beautifull Phillips museum with a lot of vintage technology


October 3rd, 2010

Yesterday, I missed my plane to France, I was thinking the departure was today. In the morning, I received a call from Anne, she’s waiting for me at the Rennes airport. Hum! What a shock for me. After dealing with Air France, I will flight tonight. At the time of this call, I was testing my controller for my residency at the Rennes Train Station.